
Election documents

2022-2024 Nomination Form

Current-Senator Eligibility for 2022-2024


Due date for nomination forms is  Wednesday, March 16, 2022. Hard copies are due to Gillum 103J (101A temperarily) no later than 5:00pm. (Please do not rely on campus mail if you are running close to the due date). 

Officer 选举: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 3:30pm in Via Zoom. Executive Committee nominations will also occur at this time. This meeting is mandatory for all of those serving in 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 whether you are newly elected, 连任, or in the middle of your term. 

Eligibility is outlined in the University Handbook, section 245.3.2. http://sy.korean-accident-lawyer.com/handbook/200-governance/245-full#p3