
What to Bring to 校园

1) 学生 should get in touch with their roommate to discuss and determine who is bringing the refrigerator, 微波炉, Xbox, 等.

2) 学生 should decide if they will rent a loft for their bed from bedloft.com. 看看 Bedloft.com to make your reservation.

3)开始打包! Some recommended items to bring along with you might include:



  • 洗手液
  • 消毒湿巾
  • 温度计
  • Face coverings (if needed)
  • Go-bag with necessities (In the event a student needs to go to quarantine or isolation)
  • Medical kit: digital thermometer, aspirin and/or ibuprofen, 邦迪牌创可贴, 纱带, 抗生素软膏, 镊子, 可重用的热/冷, anti-diarrhea medicine, 抗组胺剂, 解充血药, 抗酸剂, throat spray lozenges, 咳嗽药, 组织, any prescription medications.


  • 闹钟
  • 移动PC
  • 闪存驱动器
  • Cell phone and charger
  • TV with HDMI port or wireless capabilities
  • 浪涌保护器


  • 衣架
  • Laundry basket and detergent


  • 毛巾
  • 化妆品
  • 人字拖
  • Toilet paper and bathroom cleaning supplies if you have a private bathroom
  • 垃圾袋


  • Extra long twin sheets and pillowcases; deep pocket sheets also fit
  • 毯子
  • 床罩
  • 枕头


  • Backpack or messenger bag
  • 台灯
  • Decor – photos, pillows, posters, rug or a bean bag chair
  • A few (microwave safe) eating and cooking utensils. Any appliances such as coffee pots, instapots, air fryers, 等. must have an enclosed heating element and an auto-off switch
  • Multiple umbrellas (one for the room and one for your bag)
  • 粉丝
  • Compact refrigerator, maximum capacity 3.5 cubic feet; maximum amperage 1.5安培
  • Microwave; not to exceed 700W
  • School supplies - notebooks, 绑定, 铅笔, 彩色铅笔, 一个计算器, 笔, 黑色记号笔
  • Light cleaning supplies – glass and surface cleaners, dusters
  • Food items (such as macaroni and cheese, 拉面, 汤, 麦片, crackers 等) to ward off hunger and the urge to order delivered foods
  • Small lock-box for prescriptions and other valuables
  • If desired, a bicycle and an appropriate lock (we recommend U-Locks for bicycles)

Things to leave at home:

  • Hot surfaced appliances, 比如热板, 空间加热器, George Foreman 烤架, electric frying pans, 等. All appliances and electrical devices must have an enclosed heating element and an auto-off switch.
  • Room-size air conditioners (window and/or floor units)
  • 卤素灯
  • 蜡烛和香
  • Hunting equipment/firearms/weapons
  • 水床
  • 烤架
  • No pets other than fish unless they are an approved ESA

4) Confirm your meal plan choice in the housing portal by July 1. 请到 http://indstate.sodexomyway.com/my-meal-plan/index to learn more about the meal plan options available to you.

5) Obtain your ISU 停车 Permit (if you are bringing a car). You can do this online by clicking 在这里.

6) Make sure to write down or photograph items of value. Record make and model of electronics.

7) Check and make sure your parent’s homeowner’s policy covers items in your residence hall room. If not, it is suggested that you invest in renter’s insurance. ISU 住宅生活 do not assume responsibility for damages to personal belongings as per 住宅生活 住房 Agreement.

8) Bringing a bike to campus? Remember to bring a lock and register it with Public 安全.

9) Remember to secure an appliance dolly. 联系朋友, 家庭, 邻居, moving companies or mom and pop appliance stores to see about borrowing/renting one.


住宅生活 Office

电子邮件: ResLife@korean-accident-lawyer.com
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.
Social: @IndstateResLife on 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram