
336 Leaves Without Pay

Last updated on: January 01, 2001


Leaves without pay are granted to members of the faculty for any activity that will enable the applicant to serve the University more effectively or for other acceptable reasons. 

336.1.1  No Impact on Sabbatical Leave.  Leaves without pay neither interrupt nor count toward the twelve (12) semester eligibility requirement for a sabbatical leave.

336.2 Application Process

A faculty member wishing to apply for a leave without pay should submit formal application to the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs at least six (6) months prior to the time the leave is desired.

Related Information

Policy Administrator:
Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
Policy 联系:
Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
Parsons Hall 208
(812) 237-2304
Policy 历史:
Policy 336 was included in the 2001 University Handbook revision. Policy 336 was reviewed on September 16, 2020 by Academic Affairs and no changes were made. *Policy 399 Interpretation applies to interpretations of Policies 300 to 399 of the 政策库.