

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
Last updated on: March 16, 2023

380.1 Distinguished Teaching Awards

电子游戏试玩董事会通过设立凯勒·米尔斯杰出教学奖来表彰杰出的教学.  卓越 teaching shall be the sole criterion in making the awards. 

380.1.1号.  A maximum of four (4) annual awards may be given, 每个人都有适当数额的津贴和一个适当的有形符号,由受赠人保留.

380.1.2的要求.  任何在电子游戏试玩任教至少15个学期或24个课时的终身教职员工或高级讲师都有资格获得提名. 以前被选中的教师在其最近一次被选中的十(10)年内没有资格被提名.

380.1.3个选择.  Final selection is made by a committee appointed by the University 总统, and chaired by the non-voting Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs. 

380.1.3.1)委员会.  This committee is to be composed of six (6) tenured or senior instructor full-time 教师 members, including some past recipients of the award, appointed to two-year staggered terms. 每年秋季,每个委员会空缺的两名提名将由大学教务委员会的教务委员会提交给教务长和负责学术事务的副校长.  

380.1.3.2表示. 只要有可能, all of the colleges (with 教师) and the ranks of senior instructor, associate professor/librarian and professor/librarian shall be represented. If a college has no volunteers to serve on the committee, the college shall go without representation.

380.1.3.3学生代表.  Five (5) outstanding 学生 also serve: two (2) graduates and three (3) undergraduates. These shall be nominated by the 研究生 Student Association (GSA) and Student Government Association (SGA), 分别. 

380.1.3.4资格.  委员会成员在其任职期间不得提交提名,也不得获得该奖项.  Members are appointed to staggered two-year terms.

380.1.4提名.  Nomination is by letter from any full-time 教师 member, 学生, 校友/, or administrator at the University.  The Committee solicits further evidence of excellent teaching from the nominees’ 学生, department chairpersons vitae, and 教师 reports of professional activities.  The Committee may elect to narrow the field of nominees before soliciting this additional information.


电子游戏试玩董事会在电子游戏试玩设立了西奥多·德莱塞杰出研究/创意奖,以表彰对知识进步做出杰出贡献的教职员工.  Funds are made available so that a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) awards, each with a stipend and a plaque certifying this special achievement, may be presented at spring commencement.  每年应在研究和创意两个类别中各颁发至少一个奖项.

380.2.1的要求.  该奖项的候选人必须是电子游戏试玩终身教职或终身教职的全职教职员工.  In addition, their work must meet the following requirements:

a.  Research/creativity other than that completed to satisfy advanced degree requirements.

b.  在电子游戏试玩担任终身教职或即将获得终身教职的全职教职员工期间,完成了大量的研究/创造工作.

c.  在申请前的四(4)年内完成的研究/创造力的单一主要贡献, or outstanding contributions that have characterized one’s professional life.

d. 研究/创造力对候选人的电子游戏试玩领域有国家意义的贡献.

380.2.2提名程序.  形式 may be obtained from the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies. Any tenured or tenure-track full-time 教师 member may nominate himself/herself.  教师, department chairpersons, and 院长 are encouraged to nominate 教师 colleagues. 获得过奖项的教职员工将在四年内没有资格再次被考虑. Nomination forms must be submitted to the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies, 每年的12月1日.

380.2.3支持数据.  研究生和电子游戏试玩研究学院院长将收集有关被提名者的支持资料, 选拔委员会将负责与候选人电子游戏试玩领域的专家进行任何外部通信.  This correspondence will document the significance of the research/creativity.

380.2.4  Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research/Creativity Award Committee.  Final selection is by the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research/Creativity Award Committee.  研究生和电子游戏试玩研究学院院长将担任评选委员会的主席和无投票权成员. 

380.2.4.1会员.  九(9)名投票成员将于1月15日前选出并任命,其中包括一(1)名由研究生委员会选出的代表, one (1) representative selected by the University Research Committee, one (1) representative selected by the University Arts Endowment Committee, and four (4) other 教师 members, 1名研究生, and one (1) undergraduate 学生, 由主席选定. 教师 appointees shall serve two-year staggered terms. 

380.2.4.2  教师 Appointments Made by the 总统.  在秋季学期,大学教务委员会的教务委员会应向校长提交每个委员会空缺的提名. 每个空缺应选出两名被提名者,以确保每所拥有教师和图书馆的学院在可能的情况下都有代表. If a college has no volunteers to serve on the committee, the college shall go without representation. 

380.2.4.3  Student Nomination and Appointment.  两(2)名有投票权的学生成员将从学生管理协会(SGA)提供的两(2)名本科生候选人和研究生协会(GSA)选择的两(2)名研究生候选人中选出。.  从四(4)个提名者中, the University 总统 will select an undergraduate and a graduate 学生 to serve on the Committee.

380.2.4.4  Limitation on Committee Service.  在任何一年获得西奥多·德莱塞杰出研究/创意奖的候选人不得在评选委员会任职. 

380.3 教师 Distinguished Service Awards

电子游戏试玩董事会通过设立学院杰出服务奖来表彰杰出的服务.  卓越, 强度, 长期承诺, 服务影响的具体证据是评奖时应考虑的标准.  每年最多可颁发两(2)个奖项,奖金和适当的有形标志由获奖者保留.

380.3.1的要求.  Eligible 教师 members are those who are senior instructors or are tenured and have demonstrated service while at 电子游戏试玩 in the form of membership in 教师 governance at the college or University level; membership on committees within the University; service to 学生 organizations; service to professional organizations; and/or service to community groups.  以前被选中的教师在其最近一次被选中的十(10)年内没有资格被提名.

380.3.2选择.  最终的评选是由大学校长任命的一个委员会进行的,该委员会由教务长和负责学术事务的副校长担任主席.

380.3.3提名.  Nomination is by letter from any full-time 教师 member, 学生, 校友/, 大学职员, or citizen of the Wabash Valley.  The committee solicits further evidence of outstanding service from appropriate chairs, 院长, 学生, 教师, 和组织.

380.3.4委员会.  该委员会将由六(6)名资深教员或终身教员组成, including some past recipients of the award, appointed to staggered two-year terms. 每个委员会空缺的两名提名将由大学教务委员会的教务委员会提交给教务长和负责学术事务的副校长,于秋季进行.

380.3.4.1所院校代表.  只要有可能, all of the colleges (with 教师) and the ranks of senior instructor, associate professor/librarian and professor/librarian shall be represented. If a college has no volunteers to serve on the committee, the college shall go without representation. 

380.3.4.2学生代表.  Five (5) outstanding 学生 also serve: two (2) graduates and three (3) undergraduates. These shall be nominated by the 研究生 Student Association (GSA) and Student Government Association (SGA), 分别. 

380.3.4.3资格.  委员会成员在其任职期间不得提交提名,也不得获得该奖项.  


Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
(812) 237-2304
政策380包含在2001年大学手册修订版中,并由国际滑联董事会修订如下.1.2 on July 31, 2008; 部分380.2.1和380.2.2 on December 17, 2011; 部分380.1, 380.2和380.2012年2月17日. 部分380.1.2, 380.1.3.2, 380.1.4, 380.2.2, 380.2.4.3, 380.3.1和380.3.3 were amended and 部分380.3.4, 380.3.4.1, 380.3.4.2和380.3.4.3 were added on December 11, 2015. *Policy 399 Interpretation applies to interpretations of Policies 300 to 399 of the 政策库. 部分380.1.3.1, 380.1.3.2, 380.1.3.3, 380.2.4.1, 380.2.4.2, 380.2.4.3, 380.2.4.4和380.3.4 were amended by the 校董会 on December 13, 2019. On March 17, 2023 a minor change was made to include senior instructors as eligible recipients.